Use the blue plus button in the sidebar and find the Street View asset. This will bring up the Street View menu in the Sidebar. It provides a little mini-map you can use to search for the location you want to start exploring. Once you’ve found it, drag the little orange figure onto the map and it will generate that imagery as close to the orange figure as it can. Click “Create Sphere” to bring that 360 photo right into your Frame.

Then, make sure Edit Mode is turned off and click on the 360 photo to expand it. This will cause the 360 photo to take up the background of your Frame. If you still see your 3D environment and don’t want to see it, go into Frame Settings > Environment > and look for the setting “Show environment when spheres expanded”…make sure it’s turned off!

Once the sphere is expanded, if it has Street View waypoints for navigating around the area or up and down the street, you will see those appear as blue arrows on the ground.

Admins of the Frame are able to use those blue arrows to move around the area!

Once you close the sphere with the globe icon in the toolbar, or the H hotkey, if you’ve moved around with waypoints you will be given the option to save your last location to the sphere. If you do so, the next time you click on the sphere to expand it, it will start you off where you last navigated to, not the original spot you first searched for.

Enjoy this incredible feature!